Podcast: ESG and Certifications

Não deixe de conferir o primeiro episódio imperdível da série "Certificações na Cadeia de Alimentos", com o tema ESG e as Certificações. Liderada pela Diretora Global de Vendas da QIMA/WQS, Ana Ishida.

Do you still have questions when it comes to ESG? Do you wonder what it is and how it can be included in your company? Do you also have doubts about certifications and how these two subjects meet? If you answered yes to any of these questions, be sure to check out the first installment of the "Certifications in the Food Chain" series, led by QIMA/WQS Global Sales Director Ana Ishida.

In a landscape where ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) is gaining prominence, understanding these terms is crucial for any business. However, the complexity limits the exploitation of its potential.

With a background in Economics, Marketing and a postgraduate degree in Sustainability and extensive experience in the sector, Ana Ishida demystifies the idea that ESG is a fad, revealing its role in sustainable growth. With clarity, she uncomplicates terms, offering deep understanding. She also connects the pillars of ESG, showing their interdependence. And this view shows that sustainable success involves social responsibility, ethics and the environment.

This podcast will also introduce you to the different certifications and offer valuable insights. Ana indicates how to select the right certifications for sustainable goals, and how pursuing them is a continuous improvement.

In this podcast you will:

  • Get a definitive guide to understanding ESG;
  • Understand the role of certifications and how to select them;
  • Realize how environmental, social and governance practices connect;
  • The transformation of the vision of sustainable business growth;

Listen to the full podcast at the link below: