Storage and Distribution Audits and Certifications for the Food Industry

QIMA/WQS offers an array of solutions to facilitate the quality and safety of products during their storage and distribution across your supply chain.

In today’s world, food can travel thousands of miles from farm to plate, and food supply chains are more complex than ever. However, regardless of how far-flung or complex their supply chain, food retailers must ensure an uninterrupted supply of products to shelves to satisfy consumer demand – all the while ensuring uncompromised food safety and quality. 

This industry is expected to grow in the next few years. Emerging economies will play a big role in the increase of consumption of processed food products and increasing demand for consumer durable goods. Key factors will play an important role too as more people demand processed food and its preservation, temperature optimization to avoid any food safety risks, and the rise of the e-commerce industry.

QIMA/WQS offers third-party audits and certifications to businesses working in food retail, distribution, and logistics, helping secure the global food supply chain. 

QIMA/WQS Solutions for Storage and Distribution Services 

Certifications to Internationally Recognized Schemes: 

  1. QIMA Audits:  
  • Hygiene Audits (GHP)  
  • Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) 

Why Choose QIMA/WQS for Storage and Distribution Certification and Audits?

  • A team with over 30 years of experience in the food industry supply chain, ready to deliver end-to-end solutions to your business.   
  • Specialized in the food industry, with a structure designed to facilitate and expedite the complex certification process and support you every step of the way.  
  • QIMA/WQS counts with local experienced food auditors approved for multiple schemes specializing in all food safety quality areas.s.
  • More than 9,000 satisfied clients at every stage of the food supply chain.